WIRES RNA Cover Image (Art by Nisansala)
Publications (For most updated pubs, visit Google Scholar and pubmed bibliography)
Ortiz-Rodrĺguez, LA, Yassine, H, Nandaha, V, Azaldegui, CA, Cheng, J., Schrader, JM, Biteen, JS. Stress Changes the Bacterial Biomolecular Condensate Material State and Shifts Function from mRNA Decay to Storage. bioRxiv 2024
Yassine, H, Schrader, JM. APEX2 proximity labeling of RNA in bacteria. bioRxiv 2024
Mallikaarachchi KS, Huang JL, Madras S, Cuellar RA, Huang Z, Gega A, Rathnayaka-Mudiyanselage IW, Al-Husini N, Saldaña-Rivera N, Ma LH, Ng E, Chen JC, Schrader JM. Sinorhizobium meliloti BR-bodies promote fitness during host colonization. bioRxiv 2024
Rathnayaka-Mudiyanselage IW, Nandana V, Schrader JM. Proteomic composition of eukaryotic and bacterial RNA decay condensates suggests convergent evolution. Current Opinion Microbiology 2024
Nandana V, Al-Husini N, Vaishnav A, Dilrangi KH, Schrader JM. Caulobacter crescentus RNase E condensation contributes to autoregulation and fitness. Molecular Biology of the Cell 2024
de Araújo HL, Picinato BA, Lorenzetti APR, Muthunayake NS, Rathnayaka-Mudiyanselage IW, Dos Santos NM, Schrader J, Koide T, Marques MV. The DEAD-box RNA helicase RhlB is required for efficient RNA processing at low temperature in Caulobacter. Microbiology Spectrum 2023
Nandana V*, Rathnayaka-Mudiyanselage IW*, Muthunayake NS, Hatami A, Mousseau CB, Ortiz-Rodríguez LA, Vaishnav J, Collins M, Gega A, Mallikaarachchi KS, Yassine H, Ghosh A, Biteen JS, Zhu Y, Champion MM, Childers WS, Schrader JM. The BR-body proteome contains a complex network of protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions. Cell Reports 2023 *These authors contributed equally
Ghosh, A.*, Bharmal, M.-H.M.*, Ghaleb, A., Nandana, V., , Schrader, J.M. Initiator AUGs Are Discriminated from Elongator AUGs Predominantly through mRNA Accessibility in C. crescentus. J Bacteriology 2023 *These authors contributed equally
Collins MJ, Tomares DT, Nandana V, Schrader JM, Childers WS. RNase E biomolecular condensates stimulate PNPase activity. Scientific Reports 2023
Nandana, V., Schrader, J.M. Roles of liquid-liquid phase separation in bacterial RNA metabolism. Current Opinion Microbiology 2021
Muthunayake, N.S., Al-Husini, N., and Schrader, J. M. Differential centrifugation to enrich Bacterial Ribonucleoprotein bodies (BR-bodies) from Caulobacter crescentus. STAR Protocols 2020
Bharmal, M.-H.M., Aretakis, J.M., Schrader, J.M. An improved Caulobacter crescentus operon annotation based on transcriptome data. MRA 2020
Bharmal, M.-H.M., Gega, A., Schrader, J.M. A combinatorial model predicts leaderless mRNA start codon selection in C. crescentus. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics 2021
Muthunayake, N.S., Tomares, D. T. , Childers, W. S., and Schrader, J. M. Phase-Separated Bacterial Ribonucleoprotein Bodies (BR-bodies) Organize mRNA Decay. WIREs RNA 2020
Al-Husini, N., D. T. Tomares, Z. Pfaffenberger, N. S. Muthunayake, M. A. Samad, T. Zuo, O. Bitar, J. R. Aretakis, M.-H. M. Bharmal, A. Gega, J. S. Biteen, W. S. Childers and J. M. Schrader. BR-bodies provide selectively permeable condensates that stimulate mRNA decay and prevent release of decay intermediates. Molecular Cell 2020. BioRxiv 2019
Munoz-Dorado, J., A. Moraleda-Muñoz, F. J. Marcos-Torres, F. J. Contreras-Moreno, A. B. Martin-Cuadrado, J. M. Schrader, P. I. Higgs and J. Perez. Transcriptome dynamics of the Myxococcus xanthus multicellular developmental program. eLife 2019
Aretakis, J.R., Gega, A., Schrader, J.M. Absolute measurements of mRNA translation in C. crescentus reveal important fitness costs of vitamin B12 scavenging. mSystems 2019. BioRxiv 2019
Aretakis, J.R, Al-Husini, N., Schrader, J.M. Methodology for ribosome profiling of key stages of the Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle. Methods in Enzymology 2018
Al-Husini, N., Tomares, D.T., Bitar, O., Childers, W.S., Schrader, J.M. α-proteobacterial RNA degradosomes assemble liquid-liquid phase separated RNP bodies. Molecular Cell 2018
Uhlenbeck, O.C. and Schrader, J.M. Evolutionary tuning impacts the design of bacterial tRNAs for the incorporation of unnatural amino acids by ribosomes. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2018
Bayas, C.A., Wang, J., Lee, M.K., Schrader, J.M., Shapiro, L., Moerner, W.E. Spatial organization and dynamics of RNase E and ribosomes in Caulobacter crescentus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2018
Schrader, J.M., Li, G.W., Childers, W.S., Perez, A., Weissman, J.S., Shapiro, L., McAdams, H.H. Dynamic translational regulation in Caulobacter cell cycle control. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2016
Lasker, K.*, Schrader, J.M.*, Men, Y., Marshik, T., Dill, D.L., McAdams, H.H., Shapiro, L. CauloBrowser: a systems biology resource for Caulobacter crescentus. Nucleic Acids Research 2016. *Equal contribution
Zhou, B.*, Schrader, J.M.*, Kalogeraki, V.S., Abeliuk, E.A., Dinh, C.B., McAdams, H.H., Shapiro, L. The global regulatory architecture of transcription during the Caulobacter cell cycle. PLOS Genetics 2015. *Equal contribution
Schrader, J.M., Shapiro, L. Synchronization of Caulobacter crescentus for investigation of the bacterial cell cycle. JoVE 2014
Liu, W., Kavaliauskas, D., Schrader, J.M., Perla-Kajan, J., Mandecki, W., Uhlenbeck, O.C., Knudsen, C.R., Goldman, Y.E., Cooperman, B.S. Labeled EF-Tus for rapid kinetic studies of pre-translocation complex formation. ACS Chemical Biology 2014
Yikilmaz, E., Chapman, S.J., Schrader, J.M., Uhlenbeck, O.C. The interface between Escherichia coli Elongation Factor Tu and aminoacyl-tRNA. Biochemistry 2014
Schrader, J.M., Zhou, B., Li, G., Lasker, K., Childers, W.S., Williams, B., Long, T., Crosson, S., McAdams, H.H., Weissman, J.S., Shapiro, L. The coding and noncoding architecture of the Caulobacter crescentus genome. PLOS Genetics 2014
Chapman, S.J., Schrader, J.M., Uhlenbeck, O.C. Histidine 66 in E. coli elongation factor Tu selectively stabilizes aminoacyl-tRNAs. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2011
Schrader, J.M., Uhlenbeck, O.C. Is the sequence-specific binding of aminoacyl-tRNAs by EF-Tu universal among bacteria?. Nucleic Acids Research 2011
Schrader, J.M.,Chapman, S.J., Uhlenbeck, O.C. Tuning the affinity of aminoacyl-tRNA to elongation factor Tu for optimal decoding. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2011
Schrader, J.M., Saks, M.E., Uhlenbeck, O.C. The specific interaction between aminoacyl-tRNAs and elongation factor Tu. Chapter 15. Ribosomes: Structure, Function, and Dynamics 2010
Schrader, J.M.,Chapman, S.J., Uhlenbeck, O.C. Understanding the sequence specificity of tRNA binding to elongation factor Tu using tRNA mutagenesis. Journal of Molecular Biology 2009