
Pictures from Indiana University

Simon Hall

More stuff and people arriving soon!

We have a -80 freezer!

Pictures from Wayne State University

Schrader Lab in October 2023 at WSU

Lab Fire ~2 am Thanksgiving 2023 in our old lab, Biological Sciences Building Room 2178

The source of the fire was this eppendorf centrifuge that was plugged in but not running.  Fire investigators determined this was the source of the fire.  Its aluminum rotor was completely melted, and only these charred pieces remained.

The old lab was completely gutted and only a few air purifiers occupy the former Schrader Lab.

Our adjacent room 2168 had far less damage but all the surviving equipment was disposed of during the ash remediation.

2024 - The whole Schrader lab moved into Dr. Tamara Hendrickson's lab space in the Chemistry Department.  Dr. Hendrickson generously let us use all her equipment, lab benches, and reagents while we filed an insurance claim and worked to restart all our research.  The WSU chemistry department was incredibly supportive of the Schrader lab during this time (Huge thanks to Linz, Pflum, Bhagwat, Fehl, and Chow labs who have helped us figure out how to find and use all the equipment in the chem building).  Huge thanks to Krystyn Purvis who helped us borrow some extra equipment from the undergraduate micro lab, and colleagues from the biological sciences department for letting my students use equipment in their labs.

Thankfully all of our -80 Freezer contents were saved!

Student desk area with the Linz Lab.

Pictures from before the fire at WSU

Lab visit from our good friend @childerslab

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020 

Mohammed after winning a poster prize

WIREs RNA Cover Art by Nisansala

Mohammed and James at the Rustbelt RNA meeting

@Sean_Crosson Grilling James at his poster

Welcome to Detroit!  Unofficial billboard.

Kaveendya wins best GRA award from WSU Bio 2024